Gun Show

Gun Show
Artspace 1616
Artspace 1616 is a legit professional regional gallery, and I hope to show here one day.
Many of the pieces here were untitled and did not have labels, it only dawns on me now that there was likely a catalog.
(Robert Ortbal)

The show was fresh original collaborative and bold, and it featured some of my favorite teachers and Ben Hunt of whom I also consider a teacher.
(Ben Hunt)

This piece had no label but I really liked it for a number of reasons. Basically I recognize Iggy Pop (the upside-down head) the color the design its use of plane, perspective, shadow. Its precision in regards to Pop imagery and its application. It is hard for me to say one piece is my favorite but this one is definitely high in the ranking.
(Ron Peetz)

Ron Peetz was my high school teacher and was and is a great inspiration in my artistic life. This piece was shocking to me for a few reasons. First its realism its a gun on a desk not unlike the ones I used to sit on in high school. Two it's my old high school teacher. Three when I was in high school the first school shooting that I was really aware of (Columbine) happened. And four the floor looks the same as the gallery accept it is raised. The bibles and the floor are more something I am noticing more of now. There was also writing on the desk, I didn't photograph it but it hit me, the whole thing.
I my self am thinking about becoming a teacher, actually I am a Teacher! Lol I have a final project exhibition tomorrow at a school I teach art at! But I'm not credentialed, I'm not full time. Any ways the teacher who teaches at El Camino now (Doug Ratcliff AKA Rat) was also there and showing work. He told me that Ron had bought the gun at Walmart, it is a children's water gun. Doug also told me that recently at the school where he teaches where I graduated they recently discovered a student on there campus with a gun and over 100 rounds. 
Not really very fun. Peetz is pretty good at making people think.
Even if we don't want to.

These ones are fun and are also made by Robert Ortbal! They are tiny! Expressive, Explosive SOLD!!!
This one was a huge kinetic piece that the artist was moving around and manipulating. Super Cool.

Thanks Ben and Bob and Ron and Rat and all the other artists and gallery folks at Artspace 1616.


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