Ruby Chishti Talk
Contemporary Art Blog
Written by John Klaiber

Artist, a different breed we are. In short this lecture was for me profound. Not only was Ruby's work exceptional but also her story, the way the art work reflected what was going on in her life while she was making it. I feel akin to her in many ways, and in many ways what she has experienced are foreign to me in my waking life. But through the truth of Ruby's Art I can get a sense of it.
I have never lived in a war torn country, I have never lost my home and my family. I have never walked to a place where my families home once stood and found it replaced through war with something completely different. Loved ones lost, homeland changed. I can only imagine these things and honestly I don't really want to. I don't want to imagine Ruby there in that place filled with war torn emotions that must create as much interior wreckage as the twisted metal and broken rubble of her battle severed home.
Right now I reach for the Tebetian prayer beads I got this weekend on a gallery viewing trip I took with my excellent friend Schiknib (Heather, lol) to Berkley. The beads are 111 tiny sculls which are made from Yak bone. At first I thought the piece morbid but at the same time as I recalled some of the Tibetan beliefs about life and death and the meditations and practices there in the woman who was running the stand spoke to us about its meaning and constant reminder of impermanence.
Imperminance, a Buhdist philosophy that represents simply, all will return to dust, to sand, to earth, to air to water. In 100 years almost all people alive to day will be gone. That is what I understand to be impermanence.

In the midst of this the Artist Renders for us what we cannot say. And the Artist also feels for and with us the breath of what is is we all feel. Through the experiences and artistic reflections of exceptional people like Ruby Chishti people from the out side can get a full hearted experience an absolute window to look in, to be with in these experiences. Also the people who have had these experiences can find voice and possibly healing, revealing, unveiling, what ever it is they need to find, to show them the door and help them turn the key.
As I was watching Ruby describe her life and experiences through art I was most thankful and also inspired by her honesty concerning her experiences. Through her talk I was opened to a far greater understanding of what all these professors and Grad school advisors have been asking me for. The reasons for why we do what we do is different for everyone.
Through this talk I felt like we might have found a window through areas to a way for people in this country to see humanly what all these far away wars we fight do. Human to human, televisions aside.
Nothing is permanent.
Even our minds.

Ruby Chishti
Part 2

Im not going to lie or mince words about this. This part Slightly freaked me out. Lol, Ruby spoke in her essay about her experience with mental illness, this is and can be a serious issue that many artist and also regular humans (hahaha) also can come face to face with or Maby better put mind to mind with.
Reality, OH MY GOD!!! I have no time for this any more between school and teaching and trying to have a decent social life hanging out with my family and chilling with my dog, I don't have time for this kind of stuff any more. To Contemplate deeply,
I just don't have the time to tear apart shreds of fabric for 5 years and stockpile materials which will one day become the greatest works of my existence.
Dun Dun Dun!!!
or do I...
This is Tyler Derdin speaking to you here, pay attention when I am talking to you!!!
Hahaha!!! Just kidding!!!
The bottom line is this. We're freaks!
Artists are freaks, we are like blackholes, quasars, Quarks and anomalies. We live it we breath it we go through it and reflect it all.
In my own life and in my work things have been going to a whole new level. The deeper I go, the more expansive it becomes. A common theme, for me lately has been the thousand eyed creature. The thousand faced being... has been around for a while in my dreams.
But the trillion eyed teacher is something that is some what new.
When Ruby after describing her own lapse into and break from reality showed us this definitive work that was the culmination of her works and life thus far. A work that was the completion of 5 years of incoherently gathering materials...
It hit me like a ton of bricks
Steairing me DED IN THE EYE
The Thousand Eyed Creature.
Lit Up
As I said slightly freaked out...
the work
loves gravities

That is Ruby Chishti

And I am very thankful to have been touched by her art and to have met her.
Thank you!!!


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